Compensation for board activities

Compensation for board activities HU

General information

Once every three years, the UU and HU Executive Boards establish which student organisations are eligible for regular compensation for board activities for the next three academic years. The compensation for board activities for the 2019-2020, 2020-2021, and 2021-2022 academic years were set by the Executive Boards in March 2019.

The distribution can be found in the 2021-2022 Appendix. The number of months of compensation for board activities is stated for each student organisation. One month of compensation for board activities amounts to €425.

The total amount for one board position may not exceed €4250.

Terms and conditions for compensation for board activities that apply to every student board member

Before embarking on a board role, check the Infographic about compensation for board activities to see whether you are eligible for compensation for board activities at HU.

  1. The student organisation should be in the 2021-2022 Appendix. If your organisation is not listed there, then you and the organisation are not entitled to compensation for board activities.
  2. Your position is eligible for compensation for board activities of at least one monthly payment (€425) and no more than ten monthly payments (€4250).
  3. You must be enrolled as a full-time student for the whole of the 2021-2022 academic year and pay statutory tuition fees for your first Bachelor’s or Master’s programme. Proof of payment of tuition fees at another institute of education will not suffice.
  4. If you formally graduate in 2021-2022 from your first Bachelor’s programme and you embark on a second Bachelor’s programme during or after your board year, then you will pay the institutional tuition fees. If you pay institutional tuition fees, you are not eligible for compensation for board activities.
  5. If you formally graduate in 2021-2022 from your Master’s programme, any entitlement to compensation for board activities ceases from the month after your graduation and a financial settlement will be made.
  6. You must have gained sufficient credits before taking up a board position. This should amount to an average of 2.5 credits for each month of your enrolment.
  7. Before taking up a board position, you must not have been enrolled in your Bachelor’s or Master’s programme for too long a time. For example, if your enrolment on a Bachelor’s programme in 2021-2022 is in your seventh year, you are not eligible for compensation for board activities.

All the terms and conditions for compensation for board activities can be found in Article 4 of the ‘Compensation for board activities grants scheme’ for board members of student organisations

Application procedure

The application procedure consists of two steps. Note that individual student board members must submit their applications before the start of the board activity, in accordance with the scheme. The universities assume that all boards and their members/prospective members are aware of the regulations and deadlines applied by HU and UU.

Step 1: In mid-August, the student organisation contact receives an email in the account that is known to UU/HU. The email contains instructions on how to allocate the compensation for board activities among the board and committee members who are eligible for it and who meet the relevant conditions.

Step 2: HU sends the prospective board member a digital application form that HU students can use to submit their individual applications.

PLEASE NOTE! If it emerges before or during verification that a prospective board member does not meet the conditions, compensation for board activities will not be granted, or will be revoked, as the case may be. Compensation for board activities may not be reallocated. It is also the case that if a board member steps down prematurely, this compensation for board activities will not be reallocated unless, in the opinion of the university, the circumstances were demonstrably beyond the board’s control. These grants are then lost. 
